
Here we describe the available trainers in Argilla:

  • Base Trainer: Internal mechanism to handle Trainers

  • SetFit Trainer: Internal mechanism for handling training logic of SetFit models

  • OpenAI Trainer: Internal mechanism for handling training logic of OpenAI models

  • PEFT (LoRA) Trainer: Internal mechanism for handling training logic of PEFT (LoRA) models

  • spaCy Trainer: Internal mechanism for handling training logic of spaCy models

  • Transformers Trainer: Internal mechanism for handling training logic of Transformers models

  • SpanMarker Trainer: Internal mechanism for handling training logic of SpanMarker models

  • TRL Trainer: Internal mechanism for handling training logic of TRL models

  • SentenceTransformer Trainer: Internal mechanism for handling training logic of SentenceTransformer models

Base Trainer#

class str, dataset, record_class: Union[TokenClassificationRecord, Text2TextRecord, TextClassificationRecord], workspace: Optional[str] = None, multi_label: bool = False, settings: Optional[Union[TextClassificationSettings, TokenClassificationSettings]] = None, model: Optional[str] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, *arg, **kwargs)#
abstract init_model()#

Initializes a model.

abstract init_training_args()#

Initializes the training arguments.

abstract predict(text: Union[List[str], str], as_argilla_records: bool = True, **kwargs)#

Predicts the label of the text.

abstract save(output_dir: str)#

Saves the model to the specified path.

abstract train(output_dir: Optional[str] = None)#

Trains the model.

abstract update_config(*args, **kwargs)#

Updates the configuration of the trainer, but the parameters depend on the trainer.subclass.

SetFit Trainer#

class*args, **kwargs)#

Initializes a model.

init_training_args() None#

Initializes the training arguments.

predict(text: Union[List[str], str], as_argilla_records: bool = True, **kwargs)#

The function takes in a list of strings and returns a list of predictions

  • text (Union[List[str], str]) – The text to be classified.

  • as_argilla_records (bool) – If True, the prediction will be returned as an Argilla record. If

False, the prediction will be returned as a string. Defaults to True


A list of predictions

save(output_dir: str)#

The function saves the model to the path specified, and also saves the label2id and id2label dictionaries to the same path


path (str) – the path to save the model to

train(output_dir: Optional[str] = None)#

We create a SetFitModel object from a pretrained model, then create a SetFitTrainer object with the model, and then train the model

update_config(**kwargs) None#

Updates the setfit_model_kwargs and setfit_trainer_kwargs dictionaries with the keyword arguments passed to the update_config function.

OpenAI Trainer#

class*args, **kwargs)#
init_model() None#

Initializes a model.

init_training_args(training_file: Optional[str] = None, validation_file: Optional[str] = None, model: str = 'curie', n_epochs: Optional[int] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, learning_rate_multiplier: float = 0.1, prompt_loss_weight: float = 0.1, compute_classification_metrics: bool = False, classification_n_classes: Optional[int] = None, classification_positive_class: Optional[str] = None, classification_betas: Optional[list] = None, suffix: Optional[str] = None, hyperparameters: Optional[dict] = None) None#

Initializes the training arguments.

predict(text: Union[List[str], str], as_argilla_records: bool = True, **kwargs) Union[List, str]#

The function takes in a list of strings and returns a list of predictions

  • text (Union[List[str], str]) – The text to be classified.

  • as_argilla_records (bool) – If True, the prediction will be returned as an Argilla record. If

False, the prediction will be returned as a string. Defaults to True


A list of predictions

save(*arg, **kwargs) None#

The function saves the model to the path specified, and also saves the label2id and id2label dictionaries to the same path


output_dir (str) – the path to save the model to

train(output_dir: Optional[str] = None) None#

We create a openai.FineTune object from a pretrained model, and send data to finetune it.


Updates the model_kwargs dictionaries with the keyword arguments passed to the update_config function.

PEFT (LoRA) Trainer#

class*args, **kwargs)#
init_model(new: bool = False)#

Initializes a model.


Initializes the training arguments.

predict(text: Union[List[str], str], as_argilla_records: bool = True, **kwargs)#

The function takes in a list of strings and returns a list of predictions

  • text (Union[List[str], str]) – The text to be classified.

  • as_argilla_records (bool) – If True, the prediction will be returned as an Argilla record. If

False, the prediction will be returned as a string. Defaults to True


A list of predictions

save(output_dir: str)#

The function saves the model to the path specified, and also saves the label2id and id2label dictionaries to the same path


output_dir (str) – the path to save the model to

sys = <module 'sys' (built-in)>#

Updates the setfit_model_kwargs and setfit_trainer_kwargs dictionaries with the keyword arguments passed to the update_config function.

spaCy Trainer#

class bool = False, **kwargs)#
init_training_args() None#

This method is used to generate the spacy configuration file, which is used to train

class bool = True, **kwargs)#
init_training_args() None#

This method is used to generate the spacy configuration file, which is used to train

class Optional[str] = None, gpu_id: Optional[int] = -1, model: Optional[str] = None, optimize: Literal['efficiency', 'accuracy'] = 'efficiency', *args, **kwargs)#

Initializes a model.

predict(text: Union[List[str], str], as_argilla_records: bool = True, **kwargs) Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]], BaseModel, List[BaseModel]]#

Predict the labels for the given text using the trained pipeline.

  • text – A str or a List[str] with the text to predict the labels for.

  • as_argilla_records – A bool indicating whether to return the predictions as argilla records or as dicts. Defaults to True.


Either a dict, BaseModel (if as_argilla_records is True) or a List[dict], List[BaseModel] (if as_argilla_records is True) with the predictions.

save(output_dir: str) None#

Save the trained pipeline to disk.


output_dir – A str with the path to save the pipeline.

train(output_dir: Optional[str] = None) None#

Train the pipeline using spaCy.


output_dir – A str with the path to save the trained pipeline. Defaults to None.

update_config(**spacy_training_config) None#

Update the spaCy training config.

Disclaimer: currently just the training config is supported, but in the future we will support all the spaCy config values supported for a more precise control over the training process. Also note that the arguments may differ between the CPU and GPU training.


**spacy_training_config – The spaCy training config.

Transformers Trainer#

class*args, **kwargs)#
init_model(new: bool = False)#

Initializes a model.


Initializes the training arguments.

predict(text: Union[List[str], str], as_argilla_records: bool = True, **kwargs)#

The function takes in a list of strings and returns a list of predictions

  • text (Union[List[str], str]) – The text to be classified.

  • as_argilla_records (bool) – If True, the prediction will be returned as an Argilla record. If

False, the prediction will be returned as a string. Defaults to True


A list of predictions

save(output_dir: str)#

The function saves the model to the path specified, and also saves the label2id and id2label dictionaries to the same path


output_dir (str) – the path to save the model to

train(output_dir: str)#

Trains the model.


Updates the setfit_model_kwargs and setfit_trainer_kwargs dictionaries with the keyword arguments passed to the update_config function.

SpanMarker Trainer#

class*args, **kwargs)#
init_model() None#

Initializes a model.

init_training_args() None#

Initializes the training arguments.

predict(text: Union[List[str], str], as_argilla_records: bool = True, **kwargs)#

The function takes in a list of strings and returns a list of predictions

  • text (Union[List[str], str]) – The text to be classified.

  • as_argilla_records (bool) – If True, the prediction will be returned as an Argilla record. If

False, the prediction will be returned as a string. Defaults to True


A list of predictions

save(output_dir: str)#

The function saves the model to the path specified, and also saves the label2id and id2label dictionaries to the same path


output_dir (str) – the path to save the model to

train(output_dir: str)#

We create a SetFitModel object from a pretrained model, then create a SetFitTrainer object with the model, and then train the model

update_config(**kwargs) None#

Updates the model_kwargs and trainer_kwargs dictionaries with the keyword arguments passed to the update_config function.

TRL Trainer#

SentenceTransformer Trainer#

class FeedbackDataset, task: TrainingTaskForSentenceSimilarity, prepared_data=None, model: str = None, seed: int = None, train_size: Optional[float] = 1, cross_encoder: bool = False)#
init_model() None#

Initializes a model.

init_training_args() None#

Initializes the training arguments.

predict(text: Union[List[List[str]], Tuple[str, List[str]]], as_argilla_records: bool = False, **kwargs) List[float]#

Predicts the similarity of the sentences.

  • text – The sentences to obtain the similarity from. Allowed inputs are: - A list with a single sentence (as a string) and a list of sentences to compare against. - A list with pair of sentences.

  • as_argilla_records – If True, the prediction will be returned as an Argilla record. If False, the prediction will be returned as a string. Defaults to True


A list of predicted similarities.

save(output_dir: str) None#

Saves the model to the specified path.

train(output_dir: Optional[str] = None) None#

Trains the model.

update_config(**kwargs) None#

Updates the configuration of the trainer, but the parameters depend on the trainer.subclass.