This section list and describe the commands offered by the argilla CLI application. If you need more information about the available commands in the CLI you can use the --help option:

argilla --help

If you need more information about a specific command you can use the --help option too:

argilla users create --help


The argilla login command is used to store the local credentials of an user, with the main purpose of reusing these credentials to automatically authenticate in the Argilla server to run other commands or Python scripts that uses Argilla.

argilla login --api-url http://localhost:6900


To validate that the provided URL and API Key are valid, the login command will try to connect to the Argilla server using the provided credentials.


The argilla logout command removes the stored local credentials previously generated by calling the argilla login command.

argilla logout


The logout will try to connect to the Argilla server before removing the stored credentials. If for some reason, the Argilla server is not available but you still want to remove the stored credentials, the --force option can be used.


The argilla whoami command prints the information (username, workspaces, API Key, etc) of the logged-in user.

argilla whoami


The argilla info command prints the versions of the Python client, Argilla server and ElasticSearch server used and that might be usefull for debugging purposes or reporting an issue.

argilla info


The argilla users group of commands offers basic operations for managing the users of the connected Argilla server.

Create an user#

The argilla users create command allows to easily create a new user from the command line. The command will prompt for the username and password of the new user, but the following options can be provided:

  • --username: The username of the new user.

  • --password: The password of the new user.

  • --first-name: The first name of the new user. If not provided, the username will be used.

  • --last-name: The last name of the new user.

  • --role: The role of the new user. The default value is annotator.

  • --workspace: The name of the workspace where the new user will be added. It can be provided multiple times to add the user to multiple workspaces.

argilla users create --username joe --first-name Joe --last-name Doe --role admin --workspace workspace1 --workspace workspace2

Delete an user#

The argilla users delete command allows to easily delete an existing user from the command line providing the username of the user to delete.

argilla users delete joe

List users#

The argilla users list command shows the list of the registered users in the Argilla server. Optionally, the --workspace option can be provided to show only the users that belongs to a specific workspace.

argilla users list


The argilla workspaces group of commands offers basic operations for managing the workspaces of the connected Argilla server. The commands of this group that performs an operation in a specific workspace requires the --name option to be provided to specify the workspace where the operation will be performed.

Create a workspace#

The argilla workspaces create command allows to easily create a new workspace from the command line.

argilla workspaces create my-new-workspace

Add user to workspace#

The argilla workspaces add-user command allows to add an user to a workspace providing the username of the user and the name of the workspace.

argilla workspaces --name my-workspace add-user joe

Delete use from workspace#

The argilla workspaces delete-user command allows to delete an user from a workspace providing the username of the user and the name of the workspace.

argilla workspaces --name my-workspace delete-user joe

List workspaces#

The argilla workspaces list command shows the list of the workspaces in the Argilla server.

argilla workspaces list


The argilla datasets group of commands offers basic operations for managing the datasets stored in the connected Argilla server. The commands of this group that performs an operation in a specific dataset requires the --name option to be provided and optionally the --workspace option to specify the workspace where the dataset is stored. If the --workspace option is not provided, then the workspace stored in the local credentials will be used.

Delete a dataset#

The argilla datasets delete command allows to remove a FeedbackDataset from the Argilla server providing the name of the dataset and optionally the workspace where the dataset is stored.

argilla datasets --name my-dataset --workspace my-workspace delete

List datasets#

The argilla datasets list shows the list of the datasets stored in the Argilla server. The following options can be provided:

  • --workspace: The name of the workspace which datasets will be listed. If not provided, all the datasets of all the workspaces will be listed.

  • --type: The type of datasets to be listed. Two possible values: feedback and other (for TextClassification, TokenClassification and Text2Text datasets).

argilla datasets list


The argilla server group of commands contains commands for managing the Argilla server and its database.


This group of commands will only be available if Argilla was installed with the required dependencies for the server (using pip install argilla[server]).

Start the server#

The argilla server start command will start the Argilla server blocking the current terminal. The following options can be provided:

  • --host: The host where the Argilla server will be binded. Default value is

  • --port: The port where the Argilla server will be binded. Default value is 6900.

  • --access-log/--no-access-log: Enable/disable the server access log. Default value is True.

Database management#

The argilla server database group of commands offers functionality for managing the Argilla server database:

  • argilla server database migrate: applies the database migrations.

  • argilla server database revisions: list the different revisions to which the database can be migrated.

User management using the database connection#

The argilla server database users group of commands offers functionality for managing the users of the Argilla server. To do so, the argilla server database users commands uses the database connection instead of the Argilla API, so these commands will have to get executed from a machine that has access to the database. To set the URL of the database that will be used by the commands, check SQLite and PostgreSQL section.

  • argilla server database users create: creates a new user in the Argilla server database.

  • argilla server database users create_default: creates the default users in the Argilla server database.

  • argilla server database users migrate: migrates the users from the old YAML file to the Argilla server database.

  • argilla server database users update: updates a user in the Argilla server database.