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OAuth2 configuration

Argilla supports OAuth2 authentication for users. This allows users to authenticate using other services like Google, GitHub, or Hugging Face. Next sections will guide you through the configuration of the OAuth2 authentication.

The OAuth2 configuration file

The OAuth2 configuration file is a YAML file that contains the configuration for the OAuth2 providers that you want to enable. The default file name is .oauth.yml and it should be placed in the root directory of the Argilla server. You can also specify a different file name using the ARGILLA_AUTH_OAUTH_CFG environment variable.

The file should have the following structure:

  - name: huggingface
    client_id: "<client_id>"
    client_secret: "<client_secret>"
    scope: "openid profile"

  - name: google-oauth2
    client_id: "<client_id>"
    client_secret: "<client_secret>"
    scope: "openid email profile"

  - name: github
    client_id: "<client_id>"
    client_secret: "<client_secret>"

  - name: keycloack
    client_id: "<client_id>"
    client_secret: "<client_secret>"

  - name: argilla

allow_http_redirect: false


The providers key is a list of dictionaries, each dictionary represents a provider configuration, including the following fields:

  • name: The name of the provider. The available options by default are huggingface, github and google-oauth2. We will see later how to add more providers not supported by default.
  • client_id: The client ID provided by the OAuth2 provider. You can get this value by creating an application in the provider's developer console. This is a required field, but you can also use the ARGILLA_OAUTH2_<PROVIDER_NAME>_CLIENT_ID environment variable to set the value.
  • client_secret: The client secret provided by the OAuth2 provider. You can get this value by creating an application in the provider's developer console. This is a required field, but you can also use the ARGILLA_OAUTH2_<PROVIDER_NAME>_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable to set the value.
  • scope: The scope of the OAuth2 provider. This is an optional field, and normally you don't need to set it, but you can use it to request specific permissions from the user access.

Allowed Workspaces

The allowed_workspaces key defines the available workspaces when users log in using the OAuth2 provider. This is a list of name fields that should match the workspace name in the Argilla server. By default, the argilla workspace is allowed to authenticate using the OAuth2 provider.

If the workspace doesn't exist, it will be created automatically on the first server startup.

Allow HTTP Redirect

The allow_http_redirect key is a boolean value that allows the OAuth2 provider to redirect the user to an HTTP URL. By default, this value is set to false, and you should set it to true only if you are running the Argilla server behind a proxy that doesn't support HTTPS or if you are running the server locally.

Enabling this option is not recommended for production environments and should be used only for development purposes.

Supported OAuth2 providers configuration

The following sections will guide you through the configuration of the supported OAuth2 providers. Before diving into the configuration, you should create an application in the provider's developer console to get the client ID and client secret.

A common step when creating an application in the provider's developer console is to set the redirect URI. The redirect URI is the URL where the OAuth2 provider will redirect the user after the authentication process.

The redirect URI should be set to the Argilla server URL, followed by /oauth/<provider_name>/callback. For example, if the Argilla server is running on http://localhost:8000, the redirect URI for provider application should be http://localhost:8000/oauth/huggingface/callback.

Hugging Face OAuth2 configuration

Argilla supports Hugging Face OAuth2 authentication out of the box, and is already configured when running Argilla on Hugging Face Spaces (See the Hugging Face Spaces settings for more information).

But, if you want to manually configure the Hugging Face OAuth2 provider, you should define the following fields in the .oauth.yml file:

  - name: huggingface
    client_id: "<client_id>" # You can use the ARGILLA_OAUTH2_HUGGINGFACE_CLIENT_ID environment variable
    client_secret: "<client_secret>" # You can use the ARGILLA_OAUTH2_HUGGINGFACE_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable
    scope: "openid profile" # This field is optional. But this value must be aligned your OAuth2 application created in Hugging Face.


To get your client ID and client secret, you need to create an OAuth2 application in the Hugging Face settings page.

The minimal scope required for the Hugging Face OAuth2 provider is openid profile, so you don't need to change the scope when creating the application.

GitHub OAuth2 configuration

Argilla also supports GitHub OAuth2 authentication out of the box. To configure the GitHub OAuth2 provider, you should define the following fields in the .oauth.yml file:

  - name: github
    client_id: "<client_id>" # You can use the ARGILLA_OAUTH2_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID environment variable
    client_secret: "<client_secret>" # You can use the ARGILLA_OAUTH2_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable


To get your client ID and client secret, you need to register a new OAuth application in the GitHub settings page.

Google OAuth2 configuration

Argilla also supports Google OAuth2 authentication out of the box. To configure the Google OAuth2 provider, you should define the following fields in the .oauth.yml file:

  - name: google-oauth2
    client_id: "<client_id>" # You can use the ARGILLA_OAUTH2_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID environment variable
    client_secret: "<client_secret>" # You can use the ARGILLA_OAUTH2_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable


To get your client ID and client secret, you need to create a new OAuth2 client in the Google Cloud Console.

Keycloak OAuth2 configuration

Argilla also supports Keycloak OAuth2 authentication out of the box. To configure the Keycloak OAuth2 provider, you should define the following fields in the .oauth.yml file:

  - name: keycloak
    client_id: "<client_id>" # You can use the ARGILLA_OAUTH2_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID environment variable
    client_secret: "<client_secret>" # You can use the ARGILLA_OAUTH2_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable

To get your client ID and client secret, you need to create a new client in the Keycloak settings page.

Since Keycloak backend uses the Open ID Connect protocol, you probably need to setup the OIDC endpoint in the environment variables:

export SOCIAL_AUTH_KEYCLOAK_OIDC_ENDPOINT=<keycloak-server>/realms/<configured-realm>

Adding more OAuth2 providers

If you want to add more OAuth2 providers that are not supported by default, you can do so by adding a new provider configuration to the .oauth.yml file. The Argilla server uses the Social Auth backends component to define the provider configuration. You only need to register the provider backend using the extra_backends key in the .oauth.yml file.

For example, to configure the Apple OAuth2 provider, you should add the following configuration to the .oauth.yml file:

  - name: apple-id
    client_id: "<client_id>" # You can use the ARGILLA_OAUTH2_APPLE_ID_CLIENT_ID environment variable
    client_secret: "<client_secret>" # You can use the ARGILLA_OAUTH2_APPLE_ID_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable

    - # Register the Apple OAuth2 provider backend

All the SOCIAL_AUTH_* environment variables are supported by the Argilla server, so you can customize the provider configuration using these environment variables.