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Distribute the annotation task among the team

This guide explains how you can use Argilla’s automatic task distribution to efficiently divide the task of annotating a dataset among multiple team members.

Owners and admins can define the minimum number of submitted responses expected for each record. Argilla will use this setting to handle automatically the records that will be shown in the pending queues of all users with access to the dataset.

When a record has met the minimum number of submissions, the status of the record will change to completed, and the record will be removed from the Pending queue of all team members so they can focus on providing responses where they are most needed. The dataset’s annotation task will be fully completed once all records have the completed status.

Task Distribution diagram


The status of a record can be either completed, when it has the required number of responses with submitted status, or pending, when it doesn’t meet this requirement.

Each record can have multiple responses, and each of those can have the status submitted, discarded, or draft.

Main Class

    min_submitted = 2

Check the Task Distribution - Python Reference to see the attributes, arguments, and methods of the TaskDistribution class in detail.

Configure task distribution settings

By default, Argilla will set the required minimum submitted responses to 1. This means that whenever a record has at least 1 response with the status submitted the status of the record will be completed and removed from the Pending queue of other team members.


Leave the default value of minimum submissions (1) if you are working on your own or when you don't require more than one submitted response per record.

If you wish to set a different number, you can do so through the distribution setting in your dataset settings:

settings = rg.Settings(
    guidelines="These are some guidelines.",
            labels=["label_1", "label_2", "label_3"]

Learn more about configuring dataset settings in the Dataset management guide.


Increase the number of minimum subsmissions if you’d like to ensure you get more than one submitted response per record. Make sure that this number is never higher than the number of members in your team. Note that the lower this number is, the faster the task will be completed.


Note that some records may have more responses than expected if multiple team members submit responses on the same record simultaneously.

Change task distribution settings

If you wish to change the minimum submitted responses required in a dataset, you can do so as long as the annotation hasn’t started, i.e., the dataset has no responses for any records.

Admins and owners can change this value from the dataset settings page in the UI or from the SDK:

import argilla as rg

client = rg.Argilla(api_url="<api_url>", api_key="<api_key>")

dataset = client.datasets("my_dataset")

dataset.settings.distribution.min_submitted = 4
