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How-to guides

These guides provide step-by-step instructions for common scenarios, including detailed explanations and code samples. They are divided into two categories: basic and advanced. The basic guides will help you get started with the core concepts of Argilla, while the advanced guides will help you explore more advanced features.


  • Manage users and credentials

    Learn what they are and how to manage (create, read and delete) Users in Argilla.

    How-to guide

  • Manage workspaces

    Learn what they are and how to manage (create, read and delete) Workspaces in Argilla.

    How-to guide

  • Create, update, and delete datasets

    Learn what they are and how to manage (create, read and delete) Datasets and customize them using the Settings for Fields, Questions, Metadata and Vectors.

    How-to guide

  • Add, update, and delete records

    Learn what they are and how to add, update and delete the values for a Record, which are made up of Metadata, Vectors, Suggestions and Responses.

    How-to guide

  • Distribute the annotation

    Learn how to use Argilla's automatic task distribution to annotate as a team efficiently.

    How-to guide

  • Annotate a dataset

    Learn how to use the Argilla UI to navigate datasets and submit responses.

    How-to guide

  • Query and filter a dataset

    Learn how to query and filter a Dataset.

    How-to guide

  • Import and export datasets and records

    Learn how to export your dataset or its records to Python, your local disk, or the Hugging face Hub.

    How-to guide


  • Use Markdown to format rich content

    Learn how to use Markdown and HTML in TextFields to format chat conversations and allow for basic multi-modal support for images, audio, video and PDFs.

    How-to guide

  • Migrate to Argilla V2

    Learn how to migrate users, workspaces and datasets from Argilla V1 to V2.

    How-to guide