Server configuration#

This section explains advanced operations and settings for running the Argilla Server and Argilla Python Client.

By default, the Argilla Server will look for your Elasticsearch (ES) endpoint at http://localhost:9200. You can customize this by setting the ARGILLA_ELASTICSEARCH environment variable. Have a look at the list of available environment variables to further configure the Argilla server.


Using a proxy#

If you run argilla behind a proxy by adding some extra prefix to expose the service, you should setup the ARGILLA_BASE_URL environment variable to properly route requests to server application.

For example, if your proxy exposes argilla in the URL https://my-proxy/custom-path-for-argilla, you should launch the argilla server with ARGILLA_BASE_URL=/custom-path-for-argilla.

with uvicorn#

Since the Argilla Server is built on FastAPI, you can launch it using uvicorn:

uvicorn argilla:app


For more details about fastapi and uvicorn, see here.

Environment variables#

You can set following environment variables to further configure your server and client.


  • ARGILLA_HOME_PATH: The directory where Argilla will store all the files needed to run. If the path doesnโ€™t exists it will be automatically created (Default: ~/.argilla).

  • ARGILLA_DATABASE_URL: A URL string that contains the necessary information to connect to a database. Argilla uses SQLite by default, PostgreSQL is also officially supported (Default: sqlite:///$ARGILLA_HOME_PATH/argilla.db?check_same_thread=False).

  • ARGILLA_ELASTICSEARCH: URL of the connection endpoint of the Elasticsearch instance (Default: http://localhost:9200).

  • ARGILLA_ELASTICSEARCH_SSL_VERIFY: If โ€œFalseโ€, disables SSL certificate verification when connection to the Elasticsearch backend.

  • ARGILLA_ELASTICSEARCH_CA_PATH: Path to CA cert for ES host. For example: /full/path/to/root-ca.pem (Optional)

  • ARGILLA_BASE_URL: If you want to launch the argilla server in an specific base path other than /, you should setup this environment variable. This can be useful when running argilla behind a proxy that adds a prefix path to route the service (Default: โ€œ/โ€).

  • ARGILLA_NAMESPACE: A prefix used to manage Elasticsearch indices. You can use this namespace to use the same Elasticsearch instance for several independent Argilla instances.

  • ARGILLA_DEFAULT_ES_SEARCH_ANALYZER: Default analyzer for textual fields excluding the metadata (Default: โ€œstandardโ€).

  • ARGILLA_EXACT_ES_SEARCH_ANALYZER: Default analyzer for *.exact fields in textual information (Default: โ€œwhitespaceโ€).

  • ARGILLA_METADATA_FIELDS_LIMIT: Max number of fields in the metadata (Default: 50, max: 100).

  • ARGILLA_METADATA_FIELD_LENGTH: Max length supported for the string metadata fields. Higher values will be truncated. Abusing this may lead to Elastic performance issues (Default: 128).

  • CORS_ORIGINS: List of host patterns for CORS origin access.

  • DOCS_ENABLED: If False, disables openapi docs endpoint at /api/docs.

  • ARGILLA_ENABLE_TELEMETRY: If False, disables telemetry for usage metrics.


REST API docs#

FastAPI also provides beautiful REST API docs that you can check at http://localhost:6900/api/docs.