User Management#

This guide explains how to setup the users and team workspaces for your Argilla instance.

Letโ€™s first describe Argillaโ€™s user management model:

User management model#


A Argilla user is defined by the following fields:

  • username: The username to use for login into the Webapp.

  • email(optional): The userโ€™s email.

  • fullname (optional): The userโ€™s full name

  • disabled(optional): Whether this use is enabled (and can interact with Argilla), this might be useful for disabling user access temporarily.

  • workspaces(optional): The team workspaces where the user has read and write access (both from the Webapp and the Python client). If this field is not defined the user will be a super-user and have access to all datasets in the instance. If this field is set to an empty list [] the user will only have access to her user workspace. Read more about workspaces and users below.

  • api_key: The API key to interact with Argilla API, mainly through the Python client but also via HTTP for advanced users.


A workspace is a Argilla โ€œspaceโ€ where users can collaborate, both using the Webapp and the Python client. There are two types of workspace:

  • Team workspace: Where one or several users have read/write access.

  • User workspace: Every user gets its own user workspace. This workspace is the default workspace when users log and load data with the Python client. The name of this workspace corresponds to the username.

A user is given access to a workspace by including the name of the workspace in the list of workspaces defined by the workspaces field. Users with no defined workspaces field are super-users and have access and right to all datasets.

Python client#

The Python client gives developers the ability to log, load, and copy datasets from and to different workspace. Check out the Python Reference for the parameter and methods related to workspaces. Some examples are:

import argilla as rg

# After this init, all logging and loading will use the specified workspace

# Setting the workspace explicitly will also affect all logging and loading


The above user management model is configured using a YAML file which server maintainers can define before launching a Argilla instance. This can be done when launching Argilla from Python or with the provided docker-compose.yml. Read below for more details on the different options.

Default user#

By default, if you donโ€™t configure a users.yml file, your Argilla instance is pre-configured with the following default user:

  • username: argilla

  • password: 1234

  • api_key: argilla.apikey

for security reasons we recommend changing at least the password and API key.


To connect to an old Argilla server using client >=1.3.0, you should specify the default user API key rubrix.apikey. Otherwise, connections will fail with an Unauthorized server error.

Override default API key#

To override the default API key you can set the following environment variable before launching the server:


Override default password#

To override the password, you must set an environment variable that contains an already hashed password. You can use htpasswd to generate a hashed password:

htpasswd -nbB "" my-new-password

Afterwards, set the environment variable omitting the first : character (in our case $apr1$n0C4...):

export ARGILLA_LOCAL_AUTH_DEFAULT_PASSWORD="<generated_user_password>"

Alternatively, you can also generate the hash using passlibโ€™s CryptContext: E.g., by running the following in a python console:

from passlib.context import CryptContext
print(CryptContext(schemes=["bcrypt"], deprecated="auto").hash('password'))

Add new users and workspaces#

To configure your Argilla instance for various users, you just need to create a yaml file as follows:

# Users are provided as a list
- username: user1
  hashed_password: <generated-hashed-password> # See the previous section above
  api_key: "ThisIsTheUser1APIKEY"
  workspaces: [] # This user will only have her user workspace available
- username: user2
  hashed_password: <generated-hashed-password> # See the previous section above
  api_key: "ThisIsTheUser2APIKEY"
  workspaces: ['client_projects'] # access to her user workspace and the client_projects workspace
- username: user3
  hashed_password: <generated-hashed-password> # See the previous section above
  api_key: "ThisIsTheUser2APIKEY" # this user can access all workspaces
- ...

Then point the following environment variable to this yaml file before launching the server:

export ARGILLA_LOCAL_AUTH_USERS_DB_FILE=/path/to/.users.yaml

If everything went well, the configured users can now log in and their annotations will be tracked with their usernames.

Using docker-compose#

Make sure you create the yaml file above in the same folder as your docker-compose.yaml. You can download the docker-compose from this URL:

Then open the provided docker-compose.yaml and configure your Argilla instance as follows:

# docker-compose.yaml
    image: argilla/argilla-server:v1.3.0
      - "6900:80"
      ELASTICSEARCH: http://elasticsearch:9200
      ARGILLA_LOCAL_AUTH_USERS_DB_FILE: /config/.users.yaml

      # We mount the local file .users.yaml in remote container in path /config/.users.yaml
      - $PWD/.users.yaml:/config/.users.yaml

You can reload the Argilla service to refresh the container:

docker-compose up -d argilla

If everything went well, the configured users can now log in, their annotations will be tracked with their usernames, and theyโ€™ll have access to the defined workspaces.