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๐Ÿ† Train a reward model for RLHF#

Collecting comparison data to train a reward model is a crucial part of RLHF and LLM evaluation. This phase involves training a reward model to align responses with human preferences. Afterwards, during the reinforcement learning phase, the LLM is fine-tuned to generate better responses based on the reward model. In contrast to how the reward model scores prompt-response pairs, comparison data collection typically requires humans (and machines) to rank several responses to a single prompt.

In this example, we will describe how you can build a dataset for collecting human preferences and train a reward model using the amazing trl library. See below the workflow we will be following.

Letโ€™s get started!

Comparison collection for Reward Modeling


This tutorial is a Jupyter Notebook. There are two options to run it:

  • Use the Open in Colab button at the top of this page. This option allows you to run the notebook directly on Google Colab. Donโ€™t forget to change the runtime type to GPU for faster model training and inference.

  • Download the .ipynb file by clicking on the View source link at the top of the page. This option allows you to download the notebook and run it on your local machine or on a Jupyter notebook tool of your choice.


For this tutorial, you will need to have an Argilla server running. If you donโ€™t have one already, check out our Quickstart or Installation pages. Once you do, complete the following steps:

  1. Install the Argilla client and the required third-party libraries using pip:

[ ]:
%pip install -U argilla pandas trl plotly -qqq
  1. Letโ€™s make the necessary imports:

import random

import torch
from datasets import Dataset, load_dataset
from transformers import (
from trl import RewardTrainer

import argilla as rg
  1. If you are running Argilla using the Docker quickstart image or Hugging Face Spaces, you need to init the Argilla client with the URL and API_KEY:

[ ]:
# Replace api_url with the url to your HF Spaces URL if using Spaces
# you can find the Spaces URL under the Embed this space button
# Replace api_key if you configured a custom API key

Configure the dataset#

As a first step, letโ€™s load the dataset and quickly explore the data. This dataset contains a sample of the Dolly curated dataset with the original human responses and generated responses using the Falcon-7b-instruct model.

[ ]:
hf_dataset = load_dataset("argilla/dolly-curated-comparison-falcon-7b-instruct", split="train")
df = hf_dataset.to_pandas()
prompt response-1 response-2 category original_response external_id
0 What is Depreciation What is Depreciation โ€“ 10 Important Facts to K... What is Depreciation on a Car?\nDepreciation i... open_qa Depreciation is the drop in value of an asset ... 518
1 What do you know about the city of Aberdeen in... Aberdeen, the city in which I've lived for the... As an AI language model, I don't have personal... open_qa Aberdeen is a city located in the North East o... 351
2 Describe thunderstorm season in the United Sta... Describe thunderstorm season in the United Sta... Describe thunderstorm season in the United Sta... information_extraction Thunderstorm season in the United States and C... 10567
3 When did Peloton IPO?\nOn September 26, 2019, ... When did Peloton IPO?\nPeloton launched its in... When did Peloton IPO?\nPeloton IPO'd on May 26... closed_qa Peloton became a public company via an initial... 12412
4 What is the best way to answer an interview qu... The best way to answer an interview question m... Some of the best ways to answer an interview q... creative_writing The first recommended step is to ask clarifyin... 2521
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
7396 How do i accept the change How do i accept the change in my life\nAccepti... I's a great opportunity to improve. The only t... brainstorming Embrace the change and see the difference 15010
7397 Extract the teams that the footballer Sรณcrates... Extract the teams that the footballer Sรณcrates... Extract the teams that the footballer Sรณcrates... information_extraction Brazil, Botafogo-SP, Corinthians, Fiorentina 9970
7398 Without quoting directly from the text give me... Without quoting directly from the text give me... Without quoting directly from the text give me... summarization Brendon Small is a stand-up comedian, Creator... 14205
7399 Is Killing is Sin ? Is it ture Is Killing is Sin ? Is it ture?\nKilling can b... Is Killing is Sin ? Is it ture?\nKilling is no... brainstorming Killing a human being should not be sin becaus... 11253
7400 Who was Otto von Bismarck?\nOtto, Prince of Bi... Who was Otto von Bismarck?\nOtto von Bismarck ... Who was Otto von Bismarck?\nOtto von Bismarck ... information_extraction Otto von Bismarck was a Prussian and German so... 12872

7401 rows ร— 6 columns

For reward modeling, we would like to ask labelers to rank two responses for a prompt from best to worst. For this, we need to configure the fields to show and questions to ask to labelers.

The dataset will show the users three fields instruction, which corresponds to the prompt, response-1 and response-2, which correspond to each of the responses to the instruction.

# list of fields that we will use later for our dataset settings
fields = [
    rg.TextField(name="instruction", title="User instruction"),

In this use case, we will ask the users to select the best response. You can also ask users to rank more than two responses, but letโ€™s keep it straightforward for this example. We also add the annotation guidelines for labelers, based on the guidelines of the InstructGPT paper.

question = rg.RatingQuestion(
    title="Choose the best response:",
    description="Choose the most helpful, harmless, and truthful response. Select 1 for response-1, 2 for response-2, or discard if both are equally good/bad.",

guidelines="""These guidelines are based on the paper [Training Language Models to Follow Instructions with Human Feedback](\n\n**You are given a text-based description of a task, submitted by a user.**\n\nThis task description may be in the form of an explicit instruction (e.g. \"Write a story about a wise frog.\"). The task may also be specified indirectly, for example by using several examples of the desired behavior (e.g. given a sequence of movie reviews followed by their sentiment, followed by one movie review without a sentiment, you can assume the task is to predict the sentiment of the final review), or by generating the start of a desired output (e.g. given \"There once was a wise frog named Julius,\" you can assume the task is to continue the story).\n\n**You will also be given several text outputs, intended to help the user with their task.** Your job is to evaluate these outputs to ensure that they are helpful, truthful, and harmless, and select the best according to these criteria.\n\nIn case **none of the outputs is correct, conforming to the criteria, or they're exactly equal, use the discard option to not rank them**.\n\nFor most tasks, being truthful and harmless is more important than being helpful.\n\nBy **helpful**, we mean that the output should follow the user's intention and help the user solve their task. Some examples of helpful behavior:\n\n- Writing in clear language.\n- Answering the question they meant to ask, even if they mis-asked it.\n- Being sensitive to internationality (e.g., \"football\" shouldn't mean American football, and \"the president\" doesn't necessarily mean the US president).\n- If an instruction is too confusing, asking for clarification and explaining why the instruction is confusing.\n- Not giving overly long or rambling answers, or repeating information from the question.\n- Not assuming extraneous extra context outside of what's given (besides things like facts about the world), unless that's an implied part of the task. For example, if asked to \"write a polite email response to this email: email body,\" the output shouldn't assume \"I can't make it this time, but am free next weekend.\" But if asked to \"Write an email to Socrates,\" then you can safely assume the output can make up a context.\n\nBy **truthful**, we mean that the output contains accurate information and doesn't mislead the user. Some examples of truthful behavior:\n\n- On tasks like summarization, where the output should only use information from input, not making up details that are not part of the input description.\n- Not producing clearly false information about the world (e.g., making up facts or promoting conspiracies). For example, the output should not state that Hillary Clinton has served time in prison.\n- Avoid generating misleading information or information with questionable authenticity. For example, if the input asks \"Why did Hillary Clinton go to jail?\", the output should not say \"It's not totally clear,\" but rather should refute the premise of the question.\n\nBy **harmless**, we mean that the output should not cause physical, psychological, or social harm to people; damage to or loss of equipment or property; damage to the environment; or harm to institutions or resources necessary to human well-being. Some examples of harmless behavior:\n\n- Treating other humans with kindness, respect, and consideration; not denigrating members of certain groups or using biased language against a particular group.\n- Not generating abusive, threatening, or offensive language or promoting violence.\n- Not writing sexual or violent content if it's not asked for.\n- Not giving bad real-world advice or promoting illegal activity.\n\nEvaluating model outputs may involve making trade-offs between these criteria. These trade-offs will depend on the task."""

Create records#

The next step is to build the records for collecting comparison data. This step typically involves generating responses using one or several instruction-tuned models.


When showing responses from two different models to labelers itโ€™s recommended to randomly assign different model responses to response-1 and response-2 for each record. Otherwise, labelers might find a pattern and be biased towards a specific model. This is especially relevant for model comparison and evaluation but also applies to comparison data for reward modeling.

In this example, weโ€™ve already generated a dataset using the instructions from the Dolly curated dataset with the Falcon-7B-instruct model. We will use the original human-written response as response-1 and a response from Falcon as response-2.

You can build the records and publish them for labelers as follows:

[ ]:
# build records from hf dataset
records = [
    rg.FeedbackRecord(fields={"instruction": r["prompt"], "response-1": r["original_response"], "response-2": r["response-2"]})
    for r in hf_dataset

# create dataset
dataset = rg.FeedbackDataset(

# add records and publish
dataset.push_to_argilla("comparison-data-falcon", workspace="admin")

Now the dataset is ready for labeling. This is the Feedback UI we have just configured:

A Feedback Task setting for the reward modeling

Additionally, you can push the dataset to the Hub for reproducibility and reuse. This dataset is available in the Hub, feel free to read the dataset card to understand its structure, annotation guidelines, and how to import it.

[ ]:

Collect feedback and prepare the dataset#

Once the data has been labeled using the Argilla UI, we can retrieve it with the Python SDK and prepare it for training the reward model with TRL.

If you are running this tutorial but havenยดt labeled any data points, execute the following cell to retrieve the labeled dataset from the Hugging Face Hub. This dataset already contains ranked responses and can be used for the next steps. The dataset is available in the Hub, feel free to read the dataset card to understand its structure, annotation guidelines, responses, and how to import it.

If you have labeled some examples jump and execute the second cell.

[ ]:
# if you haven't ranked any responses with the UI run this cell
# otherwise ran the next one
feedback_dataset = rg.FeedbackDataset.from_huggingface("argilla/comparison-data-falcon-with-feedback")
[ ]:
# run this cell if you have ranked the responses in the UI
feedback_dataset = rg.FeedbackDataset.from_argilla('comparison-data-falcon', workspace="admin")

The next step is to prepare the dataset in the standard format for training a reward model. In particular, we want to select the chosen and rejected responses from the user feedback. We do this by creating a TrainingTask instance for reward modeling using a function that returns chosen-rejected tuples.

from typing import Any, Dict
from import TrainingTask
from collections import Counter

def formatting_func(sample: Dict[str, Any]):
    # sample["choose-best"] => [{'user_id': None, 'value': 1, 'status': 'submitted'}, ...]
    values = [
        for annotation in sample["choose-best"]
        if annotation["status"] == "submitted"
    # values => [1]
    winning_response = Counter(values).most_common(1)[0][0]
    if winning_response == 1:
        chosen = sample["response-1"]
        rejected = sample["response-2"]
        chosen = sample["response-2"]
        rejected = sample["response-1"]
    return chosen, rejected

task = TrainingTask.for_reward_modeling(formatting_func=formatting_func)

If we want, we can observe the resulting dataset by preparing it for training with TRL:

dataset = feedback_dataset.prepare_for_training(framework="trl", task=task)
    features: ['chosen', 'rejected'],
    num_rows: 7401
{'chosen': "Depreciation is the drop in value of an asset due to wear and tear, age and obsolescence (going out of date) as recorded in an organization's financial records.",
 'rejected': 'What is Depreciation โ€“ 10 Important Facts to Know?\nWhen a business buys a new asset, the purchase price of that asset is depreciated over time to reflect its usage and eventual obsolescence. Depreciation expense can be a tax deductible expense and is usually a non-cash expense reported on a companyโ€™s income statement and balance sheet. The amount of depreciation expense a company reports each year is the difference between the original purchase price of the asset and what the current value of that asset might be. Here are 10 important facts to know about depreciation:\n1. Depreciation is a non-cash expense. It is an expense that is reported in a businessโ€™s income statement and balance sheet and not a cash flow expense.\n2. Depreciation is an accounting standard and it is required to be disclosed in a businessโ€™s financial statements.\n3. The amount of depreciation is usually a tax expense and not a cash expense reported on a companyโ€™s income statement'}

This dataset is ready to be used as comparison data to train a reward model.


The paper Direct Preference Optimization: Your Language Model is Secretly a Reward Model proposes DPO, a promising method for using comparison data directly to model human preference, eliminating the need for a reward model and the RL step. Nevertheless, the comparison data collected in Argilla can be directly used for DPO.

Train the reward model with trl#

In this step, we will use the RewardTrainer from the trl library. To understand this step, we recommend you to check the trl docs.

To run this step, you need to rank some examples using the Argilla UI, or run the step above with the load from Hugging Face call: feedback_dataset = FeedbackDataset.from_huggingface

To train a Reward Model, you need to choose a base model to fine-tune. In the literature, the base model is typically the supervised fine-tuned model resulting from the instruction-tuning step. In this example, that would mean using the Falcon-7B-instruct model. However, as Reward Models are essentially classifiers you can use a more lightweight backbone model, for this example we will use distilroberta-base but feel free to experiment with other models.

The code below fine-tunes a SequenceClassification model with our preference dataset. The most interesting part is the formatting_func function. This function combines instructions with chosen and rejected responses, creating two new strings. These strings are tokenized, becoming input for a reward model that learns to distinguish between good and bad responses based on these examples. The model will be optimized to assign higher values to preferred responses and lower values to rejected responses.

from import ArgillaTrainer

model_name = "distilroberta-base"
trainer = ArgillaTrainer(

[08/08/23 16:36:51] INFO     INFO:ArgillaTRLTrainer:{'eval_loss': 0.1626577377319336, 'eval_accuracy':
                             0.937204591492235, 'eval_runtime': 6.5907, 'eval_samples_per_second':                 
                             224.709, 'eval_steps_per_second': 28.221, 'epoch': 1.0}                               

Using the Reward Model#

The resulting model is fully open-source and available on the Hugging Hub.

This is how you can use it with your own data:

[ ]:
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("argilla/roberta-base-reward-model-falcon-dolly")

model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("argilla/roberta-base-reward-model-falcon-dolly")

def get_score(model, tokenizer, prompt, response):
    # Tokenize the input sequences
    inputs = tokenizer.encode_plus(prompt, response, truncation=True, padding="max_length", max_length=512, return_tensors="pt")

    # Perform forward pass
    with torch.no_grad():
        outputs = model(**inputs)

    # Extract the logits
    logits = outputs.logits

    return logits.item()

# Example usage
prompt = "What is Depreciation"
example_less_pref_response = "What is Depreciation โ€“ 10 Important Facts to Know? When a business buys a new asset, the purchase price of that asset is depreciated over time to reflect its usage and eventual obsolescence. Depreciation expense can be a tax deductible expense and is usually a non-cash expense reported on a companyโ€™s income statement and balance sheet. The amount of depreciation expense a company reports each year is the difference between the original purchase price of the asset and what the current value of that asset might be. Here are 10 important facts to know about depreciation: 1. Depreciation is a non-cash expense. It is an expense that is reported in a businessโ€™s income statement and balance sheet and not a cash flow expense. 2. Depreciation is an accounting standard and it is required to be disclosed in a businessโ€™s financial statements. 3. The amount of depreciation is usually a tax expense and not a cash expense reported on a companyโ€™s income statement"
example_preferred_response = "Depreciation is the drop in value of an asset due to wear and tear, age and obsolescence (going out of date) as recorded in an organization's financial records."

score = get_score(model, tokenizer, prompt, example_less_pref_response)
# >> -3.915163993835449

score = get_score(model, tokenizer, prompt, example_preferred_response)
# >> 7.460323333740234


In this tutorial, we learned how to create a comparison dataset by ranking responses from the Dolly dataset and Falcon. With this dataset, we learned how to train a reward model using the trl framework.

Appendix: How to build the dataset with pre-loaded responses#

[ ]:
picker = ["response-1", "response-2"]

def get_chosen_and_not_chosen(l):
    # Generate a random index between 0 and length of the list - 1
    chosen_id = random.randint(0, len(l) - 1)
    not_chosen_id = 1 - chosen_id  # This will be 0 if chosen_id is 1 and vice versa

    return l[chosen_id], l[not_chosen_id], chosen_id

records = []

for r in hf_dataset:
    chosen, not_chosen, chosen_id = get_chosen_and_not_chosen(picker)
    chosen_from_falcon,  _, _ = get_chosen_and_not_chosen(picker)

    record = rg.FeedbackRecord(
        fields={ "instruction": r["prompt"], chosen: r["original_response"], not_chosen: r[chosen_from_falcon]},
        responses = [{"values": {"choose-best": {"value": chosen_id+1}}}],

# create dataset
dataset = rg.FeedbackDataset(

# add records and publish
