
Here we describe the available trainers in Argilla:

  • Base Trainer: Internal mechanism to handle Trainers

  • SetFit Trainer: Internal mechanism for handling training logic of SetFit models

  • OpenAI Trainer: Internal mechanism for handling training logic of OpenAI models

  • PEFT (LoRA) Trainer: Internal mechanism for handling training logic of PEFT (LoRA) models

  • spaCy Trainer: Internal mechanism for handling training logic of spaCy models

  • Transformers Trainer: Internal mechanism for handling training logic of Transformers models

  • SpanMarker Trainer: Internal mechanism for handling training logic of SpanMarker models

  • TRL Trainer: Internal mechanism for handling training logic of TRL models

  • SentenceTransformer Trainer: Internal mechanism for handling training logic of SentenceTransformer models

Base Trainer#

class str, dataset, record_class: Union[TokenClassificationRecord, Text2TextRecord, TextClassificationRecord], workspace: Optional[str] = None, multi_label: bool = False, settings: Optional[Union[TextClassificationSettings, TokenClassificationSettings]] = None, model: Optional[str] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, *arg, **kwargs)#
abstract init_model()#

Initializes a model.

abstract init_training_args()#

Initializes the training arguments.

abstract predict(text: Union[List[str], str], as_argilla_records: bool = True, **kwargs)#

Predicts the label of the text.

abstract save(output_dir: str)#

Saves the model to the specified path.

abstract train(output_dir: Optional[str] = None)#

Trains the model.

abstract update_config(*args, **kwargs)#

Updates the configuration of the trainer, but the parameters depend on the trainer.subclass.

SetFit Trainer#

class*args, **kwargs)#

Initializes a model.

init_training_args() None#

Initializes the training arguments.

predict(text: Union[List[str], str], as_argilla_records: bool = True, **kwargs)#

The function takes in a list of strings and returns a list of predictions

  • text (Union[List[str], str]) โ€“ The text to be classified.

  • as_argilla_records (bool) โ€“ If True, the prediction will be returned as an Argilla record. If

False, the prediction will be returned as a string. Defaults to True


A list of predictions

save(output_dir: str)#

The function saves the model to the path specified, and also saves the label2id and id2label dictionaries to the same path


path (str) โ€“ the path to save the model to

train(output_dir: Optional[str] = None)#

We create a SetFitModel object from a pretrained model, then create a SetFitTrainer object with the model, and then train the model

update_config(**kwargs) None#

Updates the setfit_model_kwargs and setfit_trainer_kwargs dictionaries with the keyword arguments passed to the update_config function.

OpenAI Trainer#

class*args, **kwargs)#
init_model() None#

Initializes a model.

init_training_args(training_file: Optional[str] = None, validation_file: Optional[str] = None, model: str = 'curie', n_epochs: Optional[int] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, learning_rate_multiplier: float = 0.1, prompt_loss_weight: float = 0.1, compute_classification_metrics: bool = False, classification_n_classes: Optional[int] = None, classification_positive_class: Optional[str] = None, classification_betas: Optional[list] = None, suffix: Optional[str] = None, hyperparameters: Optional[dict] = None) None#

Initializes the training arguments.

predict(text: Union[List[str], str], as_argilla_records: bool = True, **kwargs) Union[List, str]#

The function takes in a list of strings and returns a list of predictions

  • text (Union[List[str], str]) โ€“ The text to be classified.

  • as_argilla_records (bool) โ€“ If True, the prediction will be returned as an Argilla record. If

False, the prediction will be returned as a string. Defaults to True


A list of predictions

save(*arg, **kwargs) None#

The function saves the model to the path specified and also saves the label2id and id2label dictionaries to the same path


output_dir (str) โ€“ the path to save the model to

train(output_dir: Optional[str] = None) None#

We create an openai.FineTune object from a pre-trained model, and send data to finetune it.


Updates the model_kwargs dictionaries with the keyword arguments passed to the update_config function.

PEFT (LoRA) Trainer#

class*args, **kwargs)#
init_model(new: bool = False)#

Initializes a model.


Initializes the training arguments.

predict(text: Union[List[str], str], as_argilla_records: bool = True, **kwargs)#

The function takes in a list of strings and returns a list of predictions

  • text (Union[List[str], str]) โ€“ The text to be classified.

  • as_argilla_records (bool) โ€“ If True, the prediction will be returned as an Argilla record. If

False, the prediction will be returned as a string. Defaults to True


A list of predictions

save(output_dir: str)#

The function saves the model to the path specified and also saves the label2id and id2label dictionaries to the same path


output_dir (str) โ€“ the path to save the model to

sys = <module 'sys' (built-in)>#

Updates the setfit_model_kwargs and setfit_trainer_kwargs dictionaries with the keyword arguments passed to the update_config function.

spaCy Trainer#

class bool = False, **kwargs)#
init_training_args() None#

This method is used to generate the spacy configuration file, which is used to train

class bool = True, **kwargs)#
init_training_args() None#

This method is used to generate the spacy configuration file, which is used to train

class Optional[str] = None, gpu_id: Optional[int] = -1, model: Optional[str] = None, optimize: Literal['efficiency', 'accuracy'] = 'efficiency', *args, **kwargs)#

Initializes a model.

predict(text: Union[List[str], str], as_argilla_records: bool = True, **kwargs) Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]], BaseModel, List[BaseModel]]#

Predict the labels for the given text using the trained pipeline.

  • text โ€“ A str or a List[str] with the text to predict the labels for.

  • as_argilla_records โ€“ A bool indicating whether to return the predictions as argilla records or as dicts. Defaults to True.


Either a dict, BaseModel (if as_argilla_records is True) or a List[dict], List[BaseModel] (if as_argilla_records is True) with the predictions.

save(output_dir: str) None#

Save the trained pipeline to disk.


output_dir โ€“ A str with the path to save the pipeline.

train(output_dir: Optional[str] = None) None#

Train the pipeline using spaCy.


output_dir โ€“ A str with the path to save the trained pipeline. Defaults to None.

update_config(**spacy_training_config) None#

Update the spaCy training config.

Disclaimer: currently just the training config is supported, but in the future we will support all the spaCy config values for more precise control over the training process. Also, note that the arguments may differ between the CPU and GPU training.


**spacy_training_config โ€“ The spaCy training config.

Transformers Trainer#

class*args, **kwargs)#
init_model(new: bool = False)#

Initializes a model.


Initializes the training arguments.

predict(text: Union[List[str], str], as_argilla_records: bool = True, **kwargs)#

The function takes in a list of strings and returns a list of predictions

  • text (Union[List[str], str]) โ€“ The text to be classified.

  • as_argilla_records (bool) โ€“ If True, the prediction will be returned as an Argilla record. If

False, the prediction will be returned as a string. Defaults to True


A list of predictions

save(output_dir: str)#

The function saves the model to the path specified and also saves the label2id and id2label dictionaries to the same path


output_dir (str) โ€“ the path to save the model to

train(output_dir: str)#

Trains the model.


Updates the setfit_model_kwargs and setfit_trainer_kwargs dictionaries with the keyword arguments passed to the update_config function.

SpanMarker Trainer#

class*args, **kwargs)#
init_model() None#

Initializes a model.

init_training_args() None#

Initializes the training arguments.

predict(text: Union[List[str], str], as_argilla_records: bool = True, **kwargs)#

The function takes in a list of strings and returns a list of predictions

  • text (Union[List[str], str]) โ€“ The text to be classified.

  • as_argilla_records (bool) โ€“ If True, the prediction will be returned as an Argilla record. If

False, the prediction will be returned as a string. Defaults to True


A list of predictions

save(output_dir: str)#

The function saves the model to the path specified, and also saves the label2id and id2label dictionaries to the same path


output_dir (str) โ€“ the path to save the model to

train(output_dir: str)#

We create a SetFitModel object from a pretrained model, then create a SetFitTrainer object with the model, and then train the model

update_config(**kwargs) None#

Updates the model_kwargs and trainer_kwargs dictionaries with the keyword arguments passed to the update_config function.

TRL Trainer#

SentenceTransformer Trainer#

class FeedbackDataset, task: TrainingTaskForSentenceSimilarity, prepared_data=None, model: str = None, seed: int = None, train_size: Optional[float] = 1, cross_encoder: bool = False)#
get_model_card_data(**card_data_kwargs) SentenceTransformerCardData#

Generate the card data to be used for the ArgillaModelCard.


card_data_kwargs โ€“ Extra arguments provided by the user when creating the ArgillaTrainer.


Container for the data to be written on the ArgillaModelCard.

Return type:


init_model() None#

Initializes a model.

init_training_args() None#

Initializes the training arguments.

predict(text: Union[List[List[str]], Tuple[str, List[str]]], as_argilla_records: bool = False, **kwargs) List[float]#

Predicts the similarity of the sentences.

  • text โ€“ The sentences to obtain the similarity from. Allowed inputs are: - A list with a single sentence (as a string) and a list of sentences to compare against. - A list with pair of sentences.

  • as_argilla_records โ€“ If True, the prediction will be returned as an Argilla record. If False, the prediction will be returned as a string. Defaults to True


A list of predicted similarities.

save(output_dir: str) None#

Saves the model to the specified path.

train(output_dir: Optional[str] = None) None#

Trains the model.

update_config(**kwargs) None#

Updates the configuration of the trainer, but the parameters depend on the trainer.subclass.