Server configuration#

This section explains advanced operations and settings for running the Argilla Server and Argilla Python Client.

By default, the Argilla Server will look for your Elasticsearch (ES) endpoint at http://localhost:9200. You can customize this by setting the ARGILLA_ELASTICSEARCH environment variable. Have a look at the list of available environment variables to further configure the Argilla server.

From the Argilla version 1.19.0, you must set up the search engine manually to work with Feedback datasets. You should set the environment variable ARGILLA_SEARCH_ENGINE=opensearch or ARGILLA_SEARCH_ENGINE=elasticsearch depending on the backend youโ€™re using The default value for this variable is set to elasticsearch. The minimal version for Elasticsearch is 8.5.0, and for Opensearch is 2.4.0. Please, review your backend and upgrade it if necessary.


For vector search in OpenSearch, the filtering applied is using a post_filter step, since there is a bug that makes queries fail using filtering + knn from Argilla. See

This may result in unexpected results when combining filtering with vector search with this engine.


Using a proxy#

If you run Argilla behind a proxy by adding some extra prefix to expose the service, you should set the ARGILLA_BASE_URL environment variable to properly route requests to the server application.

For example, if your proxy exposes Argilla in the URL https://my-proxy/custom-path-for-argilla, you should launch the Argilla server with ARGILLA_BASE_URL=/custom-path-for-argilla.

NGINX and Traefik have been tested and are known to work with Argilla:

with uvicorn#

Since the Argilla Server is built on FastAPI, you can launch it using uvicorn:

uvicorn argilla:app


For more details about FastAPI and uvicorn, see here.

Environment variables#

You can set the following environment variables to further configure your server and client.



  • ARGILLA_HOME_PATH: The directory where Argilla will store all the files needed to run. If the path doesnโ€™t exist it will be automatically created (Default: ~/.argilla).

  • ARGILLA_BASE_URL: If you want to launch the Argilla server in a specific base path other than /, you should set up this environment variable. This can be useful when running Argilla behind a proxy that adds a prefix path to route the service (Default: โ€œ/โ€).

  • ARGILLA_CORS_ORIGINS: List of host patterns for CORS origin access.

  • ARGILLA_DOCS_ENABLED: If False, disables openapi docs endpoint at /api/docs.

  • ARGILLA_ENABLE_TELEMETRY: If False, disables telemetry for usage metrics.

SQLite and PostgreSQL#

  • ARGILLA_DATABASE_URL: A URL string that contains the necessary information to connect to a database. Argilla uses SQLite by default, PostgreSQL is also officially supported (Default: sqlite:///$ARGILLA_HOME_PATH/argilla.db?check_same_thread=False).

Elasticsearch and Opensearch#

  • ARGILLA_ELASTICSEARCH: URL of the connection endpoint of the Elasticsearch instance (Default: http://localhost:9200).

  • ARGILA_SEARCH_ENGINE: (Only for Feedback datasets) Search engine to use. Valid values are โ€œelasticsearchโ€ and โ€œopensearchโ€ (Default: โ€œelasticsearchโ€).

  • ARGILLA_ELASTICSEARCH_SSL_VERIFY: If โ€œFalseโ€, disables SSL certificate verification when connecting to the Elasticsearch backend.

  • ARGILLA_ELASTICSEARCH_CA_PATH: Path to CA cert for ES host. For example: /full/path/to/root-ca.pem (Optional)

  • ARGILLA_NAMESPACE: A prefix used to manage Elasticsearch indices. You can use this namespace to use the same Elasticsearch instance for several independent Argilla instances.

  • ARGILLA_DEFAULT_ES_SEARCH_ANALYZER: Default analyzer for textual fields excluding the metadata (Default: โ€œstandardโ€).

  • ARGILLA_EXACT_ES_SEARCH_ANALYZER: Default analyzer for *.exact fields in textual information (Default: โ€œwhitespaceโ€).

  • ARGILLA_METADATA_FIELDS_LIMIT: Max number of fields in the metadata (Default: 50, max: 100).

  • ARGILLA_METADATA_FIELD_LENGTH: Max length supported for the string metadata fields. Higher values will be truncated. Abusing this may lead to Elastic performance issues (Default: 128).

Feedback Datasets#

  • ARGILLA_LABEL_SELECTION_OPTIONS_MAX_ITEMS: Set the number of maximum items to be allowed by label and multi label questions (Default: 500).

  • ARGILLA_SPAN_OPTIONS_MAX_ITEMS: Set the number of maximum items to be allowed by span questions (Default: 500).


REST API docs#

FastAPI also provides beautiful REST API docs that you can check at http://localhost:6900/api/docs.